When working with Power BI Customers there are times I have seen when a new user is starting to use Power BI and they can log in after getting an email for a Power BI App as shown below.

It stays in this state no matter what they do.

Below is how I have gotten this issue resolved.

  • The first thing I have done is to have a look at the user account and see what licenses have been assigned to the user.
    • This can be done from either Azure Active Directory or the Office 365 Admin Portal.
  • As with my example below, my account has been assigned a Power BI Free License and a Power BI Pro License.
  • From my understanding is that the Power BI (free) license got assigned first to the user account. And second the Power BI Pro license then got assigned.
  • In order to resolve this what I had to do was to remove the Power BI (free) license from the user account.
    • Once updated it had the following licenses assigned to the same user account
  • I then asked the user to log in again and they could successfully see the App and the associated data.


In this blog post I have shown how to resolve the issue where a new user could have the “Building App” not completing and the user cannot view the App that has been shared with them.

As always thanks for reading, I hope you found it useful. And any questions please let me know.