Welcome to another Power BI RoundUp, and fortunately this week has been a quieter week, which has worked out well because I have been attending the Difinity Conference in New Zealand where I have both presented on Dataflows. I also attended a lot of great sessions and met new and existing people.

Here are the updates

End user filter export capabilities

Last week they announced that you can export a Power BI report to PDF.

Then a few days later they announced that you now can not only export Power BI reports to PowerPoint and PDF, but you can specify if you want to export it with the current values (Meaning export with the filters applied)

Below is list of what will get exported from the blog link below:

  • Filters
  • Slicers, including slicer type (for example, dropdown or list) and slicer state
  • Visual selection state (such as cross-highlight filters)
  • Sort order
  • Drill location
  • Visibility (of an object, using the Selection pane)
  • The focus or Spotlight modes of any visible object

It is great that you can also exclude hidden report tabs.

Here are the blog post details: End-User Filtered Export capabilities now available

Power BI – New Template Apps

If you are a Microsoft Partner, you now can build and create Template Apps that allow a partner to build and create Power BI solutions.

This too will allow a Partner to send it to your customers, whilst still protecting your Intellectual property.

All the blog post details can be found here: Insights made easy with Power BI Template Apps

Power BI Community Developer Update for Jan

As you can see above, there is a blog pos from the Microsoft Power BI team, where they are going over all the community developer updates for Jan 2019.

One of the new things that I did not know about was the schedule refresh API has got some new functions which allow you to modify, view, enable or disable items in the scheduled refresh.

Not only this but there are some great updates to Custom Visuals if this is something that you are working on.

All the details can be found here: Power BI Developer community January update